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We protect products, brand identities, and brand values against counterfeiting, diversion and gray market abuses through the use of a proprietary symbology and a closed loop process. Unlike linear and 2-D barcodes, RFID, and magnetic stripes, the SignaKey symbology is not in the public domain and SignaKey marks cannot be copied or cloned. Every SignaKey mark is absolutely unique, and none is reproducible.
SignaKey marks can be overt or covert and attached to products by labels or laser etched into the product regardless of the surface, be it metal, glass, rubber, wood etc.. SignaKey encryption is based on 256 bit AES (Advanced Encryption System) and has the highest level of error correction on the planet with a mark being decodable with up to 80% destruction. Due to this feature a SignaKey mark can be decoded around highly curved surfaces where the mark is 100% of the circumference of the products, in very low contrast, with no quiet zone.
What is a SignaKey SignaKey Capabilities Statement Grading SignaKey's
SignaKey Privacy Statement
With our partners we offer the widest range of leading edge technologies currently available in the market place, which allow for a multi-layered solution and assures the OEM or brand owner of the protection they need in the most effective way possible. SignaKey marks can be decoded 24/7/365 around the globe via the internet or by portable devices with embedded software.
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This means that after the Mark has been applied to the product, when it reaches any destination (intermediate or ultimate) it is checked for authenticity by using the decoded contents of the Mark in conjunction with the information that that was recorded when the object was originally marked. Companies need a closed loop system, which they alone control, to ensure products are not only “real” but that fake products do not enter their distribution channels and become “clean”, merely by being verified by authorized touch points throughout their journey to the end user.